RE: Converting between Shift-JIS and Unicode

From: Rick Cameron (
Date: Thu Apr 01 2004 - 19:26:11 EST

  • Next message: "Re: New Currency sign in Unicode"

    > From: John Jenkins
    > On Apr 1, 2004, at 3:41 PM, Rick Cameron wrote:
    > >
    > > It appears that Unihan.txt does not include mappings to
    > Shift-JIS, and
    > > that the only file on that contains mappings between
    > > Shift-JIS and Unicode is in the 'obsolete' section.
    > >
    > Unihan.txt *does* include mappings between Shift-JIS and
    > Unihan for the ideographic portions of Unicode. It always
    > has. You may have to convert the kJis0 field to a form you're
    > used to, but it's there.
    > ========
    > John H. Jenkins

    Hi, John

    Could you please point me to information on the relationship between JIS X
    0208-1990 (as represented by the kJis0 field in Unihan.txt) and Shift-JIS?
    From looking at Unihan.txt and CP932.txt (from the Microsoft vendor
    directory on I don't see an obvious relationship.

    For example:

    U+4E00 -> 1676 (kJis0) and 0x88EA (cp932)
    U+4E01 -> 3590 (kJis0) and 0x929A (cp932)


    - rick cameron

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