Re: proposal for a "creative commons" character

From: Chris Jacobs (
Date: Tue Jun 15 2004 - 20:45:05 CDT

  • Next message: Anto'nio Martins-Tuva'lkin: "Re: proposal for a "creative commons" character"

    ----- Original Message -----
    From: "Michael Tiemann" <>
    To: <>
    Cc: <>
    Sent: Tuesday, June 15, 2004 10:49 PM
    Subject: Re: proposal for a "creative commons" character

    > I'm new to this, so I'm not sure the best way to move forward, but let
    > me try two ways:
    > 1. The Euro symbol is a logo of the new European currency.

    Yes, but it is not _just_ a logo. It is a logo which found its way into
    plain text. It is quite usual for a plain text to use the euro logo instead
    of the EUR currency abbreviation.

    > 2. The (cc) symbol is not trademarked, so there is not the kind of IP
    > issue as their would be around "usual" logos.
    > 3. If there were a "cc" character that could be enclosed by an
    > enclosing circle character, then the symbol could be composed from
    > Unicode characters. Thus, there would be no logo per se, but a means to
    > construct what we want to make a symbol, by usage and acclaim, not a
    > logo. But this would be less elegant than a single (cc) character
    > because, as the enclosing characters page says, YMMV when using these
    > enclosing symbols.
    > Is that a start

    Just a start, but to get it encoded you need more. Examples of using the cc
    logo in plaintext _might_ help.

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