Re: Changing UCA primarly weights (bad idea)

From: Markus Scherer (
Date: Mon Jul 12 2004 - 17:16:47 CDT

  • Next message: E. Keown: "Re: Changing UCA primary weights (bad idea)"

    Jony Rosenne wrote:
    > For example, a Israeli oriented tailoring would cause Hebrew to sort first,
    > Arabic, Latin and Cyrillic to follow in whatever order is desired by the
    > user, and other scripts would follow in the default ordering. I am not sure
    > that the current default makes this task possible or easy.

    This does not invalidate the default table. It would be relatively easy to add script permutation on
    top of the default table or any tailoring by applying an appropriate permutation on primary weights.

    In other words, it does make sense to put together a reasonable default table, including reasonable
    intra-script ordering of non-Latin scripts, even if the default script order does not match a
    certain requirement.


    Opinions expressed here may not reflect my company's positions unless otherwise noted.

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