Re: accented Latin characters sort order, non-language dependant

From: Andreas Prilop (
Date: Mon Jul 10 2006 - 10:43:26 CDT

  • Next message: Cristian Secară: "Re: accented Latin characters sort order, non-language dependant"

    On Mon, 10 Jul 2006, Jukka K. Korpela wrote:

    >> When you have only "a few accented characters" you don't need
    >> to bother whether "â" or "ã" comes first.
    > Since they must inevitably appear in _some_ order

    *Only* when everything else is the same. But the OP wrote of
    "a few accented characters".

    You have the name "Secarã" but probably you don't have "Secarâ"
    and you don't have "Secará".

    When you have only "a few accented characters" like the OP,
    you don't need to establish an order for "á â ã".

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