Re: questions on implementing an embeded system that supports unicode

From: Christopher Fynn (
Date: Wed Aug 01 2007 - 23:17:33 CDT

  • Next message: Christopher Fynn: "Re: questions on implementing an embeded system that supports unicode"

    Philippe Verdy wrote:

    > Really, every system starts by supporting one script, then adds each
    > script one at a time. Supporting many scripts at the same time is a
    > large project, and it would be probably too costly for your project to
    > redevelop it (given that it has already taken decennials to support them
    > in the existing desktop/server OS’es).

    Even if you start by only supporting one script it is a good idea to design your
    system keeping the idea of supporting all scripts in mind from the start. One of
    the reasons "it has already taken decennials to support them in the existing
    desktop/server OS’es" is that most of these systems were not originally designed
    for multi-script & multi-lingual support - and the parts that do support these
    things often have to be backwards compatible and interact with those that don't.

    Although it may initially be more costly in terms of time and resources to
    design a system with the potential of supporting many scripts and languages,
    in the longer run it should save a great deal of time and money.

    - Chris

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