Encoding the fish symbol

From: John Hudson (john@tiro.ca)
Date: Sat Sep 29 2007 - 16:18:34 CDT

  • Next message: Philippe Verdy: "RE: Fish (was Re: Marks)"

    In an effort to separate the question of encoding the fish symbol from religio-cultural
    discussions about what people stick on the back of cars and why...

    vunzndi@vfemail.net wrote:

    > So before this thread is stopped. Who is going to write the proposal to
    > encode <><?

    If I can find evidence of its use in text that suggests a need for encoding (i.e. as
    something other than a kind of logo for Christian businesses or organisations), I'll be
    happy to write such a proposal or to add the fish symbol in my staurogram proposal.

    There are a lot of things that occur in the context of text, but which are not necessarily
    text themselves, and my criterion -- which I realise might not be the UTC's criterion --
    is to consider whether there is a need to do things with such entities such as one does
    with text entities. If, for example, the fish symbol, like the staurogram, did appear in
    early Christian documents, then I think there is a good case for encoding it based on the
    kind of work that is done with the transcription and analysis of such documents. It would,
    for instance, be helpful to be able to seach a corpus of texts for occurrences of the
    symbol, and this would be greatly facilitated by its encoding.

    John Hudson

    Tiro Typeworks        www.tiro.com
    Gulf Islands, BC      tiro@tiro.com
    Do not begin to paddle unless you intend always to paddle.
              - St Jean de Brébeuf, instructions for missionaries, 1637

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