RE: The Geejay

From: Kenneth Whistler (
Date: Thu Jan 03 2008 - 14:04:27 CST

  • Next message: Peter Constable: "RE: The Geejay"

    > I agree that was the intent, but I'm not sure how significant
    > the intent should be to the character identity.

    Well, in this case, since the letter apparently never caught
    on for any usage outside the context of German dictionaries
    of French, usage seems never to have diverged or broadened
    from the original intent.

    Of course, if we do encode this in Unicode, people may turn
    around and use it for other things, in which case it might
    end up representing other than the French sound ezh as shown
    in some old German dictionaries.

    > The form of the character was obtained by combining "G" and "j".
    > Just as 00E6 "ae" was obtained by combining "a" and "e", as A727
    > "small heng" was obtained by combining "h" and eng, ...
    > The character identity in this case should take follow the
    > precedent of such cases.

    I concur.

    > Well, we must invent to the extent of devising a name;




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