Re: chairless hamza (in reply to Khaled)

From: Khaled Hosny (
Date: Fri Jan 04 2008 - 15:52:04 CST

  • Next message: Karl Pentzlin: "Re: The Geejay"

    On Fri, Jan 04, 2008 at 07:40:20PM +0100, arno wrote:
    > Khaled Hosny wrote Freitag, 4. Januar 2008 um 18:55
    > to John Hudson and others:
    > Khaled Hosny> Exactly, I'm proposing a "Quranic Hamza" to be used for
    > Khaled Hosny> chairless Hamza in Quranic text, not different Hamzas
    > Khaled Hosny> according to context.
    > I think this is not necessary, and as far as Arabic is concerned, I am
    > pretty sure. But we have to take all languages written with the Arabic
    > script into account, and in that field some people who have written books
    > on Writing Systems or work for International Companies might help.
    > Outside special Quranic othograhIES chairless hamza is not joined.
    > As far has I know, in MSA there is no chairless hamza after a dual joining
    > letter AND at the same time before a dual- or right joining letter.
    > What I claim, is this:
    > In Unicode there are two kinds of hamza for Arabic (and some exotic ones):
    > chaired hamza. i.e. above or below alef, above (or below) yeh, above waw
    > (( I put or below in parenthesis because this
    > handled now by font technology.))
    > chairless hamza, which occurs in MSA only after right-joining letters
    > -- or am I wrong??

    According to the book published here, which is written by an
    Arabic language a scholar and member of Academy of the Arabic Language
    in Cairo (according to the site), Hamza in the middle always have a
    chair unless it is after right-joining letters. The other cases where it
    should be chairless in Quranic Arabic, it got replaced by Hamza on Yeh
    Alef, شيئا and يسأل for example

     Khaled Hosny

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