Re: Phaistos disk forgery?

Date: Sun Jan 04 2009 - 06:50:57 CST

  • Next message: Jukka K. Korpela: "Re: Emoji: emoticons vs. literacy"
    > Gia Kvashilava, Ph.D., Tbilisi, Georgia
    > On Deciphering the Phaistos Disk as a Sample of Colchian Goldscript
    > This paper presents the Phaistos Disk as a sample of the Colchian (Proto-Kartvelian) language printed in the unique Colchian syllabo-logogramic Goldscript. It is argued that the correct direction for reading the text is from the centre of the disk to its periphery. The basic key for deciphering is that a part of the matrices rotate, the same signs thus being presented in more than one position. I have deduced a general algorithm for reading rotated signs:
    > a. rotated signs looking right are two-syllable logograms;
    > b. in reading the signs looking left the order a. of the syllables is reverse;
    > c. only the first syllable of a logogram a. is read in the upward-looking sign;
    > d. only the second syllable of the logogram a. is read in the down-looking sign.
    > Vertical and slanting signs are of special phonetic and semantic meaning. These rules restrict the number of interpretations, leaving me with the only possible reading of the original text: a hymn to the Great Mother Goddess Nenana (Rhea-Cybele). Hypotheses on the Phaistos Disk by European researchers have been proven real through the presented deciphering. The argument for deciphering the disk in Colchian rests on strict judgement and is richly supported by linguistic, palaeographic, and archaeological material.

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