Re: Braille, CJK and unicode

From: Samuel Thibault (
Date: Mon Feb 02 2009 - 17:56:35 CST

  • Next message: Samuel Thibault: "Re: Braille, CJK and unicode"


    Thanks for all the feedback!

    Just answering a last bit:

    Christoph Burgmer, le Mon 02 Feb 2009 11:56:43 +0800, a écrit :
    > "to speak" 說 'shuō' is also encoded as 説 which I guess here due to the
    > source-separation rule of Unicode. Additionally there is a simplified variant
    > 说. As you wrote about giving a distinct specifier I believe you need a special
    > solution here.

    I just ask for distinction between kanjis having the same pronunciation.
    When several unicode characters actually represent the same symbol, it
    is fine to provide the same feedback to the user (but we provide the
    unicode character number).


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