RE: Arabic aleph representation of glyphs

From: CE Whitehead (
Date: Tue Mar 30 2010 - 14:03:21 CST

  • Next message: "[Unicode Announcement] Public Review Issue: IVD Submission, PRI #167"

    I don't have a European keyboard (I can switch my keyboard
    but the keys will then be mislabeled; -- I'm not yet sure what happens if you type même m^eme )
    so I've not got a proper reply for you.
    In addition, the only Arabic typewriter I've typed on was a bit antiquated --
    but you are right: typing an Arabic diacritic is like typing an accent.
    For Arabic though, in this one particular case, the diacritic actually visually precedes the seat for the diacritic, rather than simply sitting above it.

    Date: Mon, 29 Mar 2010 22:11:39 -0700

    > Unicode's design philosophy is that the combining character always
    > follows the base character in memory, however that has to be arranged.

    IE7 and IE8 at least make the tanween-al-fatah display more or less correctly whether it is typed before or typed after the seat,
    but alas, the logical order does not seem to be identical in memory --
    because when the tanween-al-fatah is typed logically before the aliph, the tanween-al-fatah is then displayed just a bit closer to the preceding character than in the other typing order -- where the diacritic is typed logically after the aliph.
    I really meant to leave this discussion to you all because I am not the expert either;

    I am sorry to reply this one more time; after this I will bow out . . . I really feel there is a line-breaking issue but I may be making much more of it than is needed.

    Cheers anyway.


    --C. E. Whitehead


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