Re: preparing a PUA specification (for historical Polish text)

From: Michael Everson (
Date: Mon Apr 12 2010 - 04:45:07 CDT

  • Next message: André Szabolcs Szelp: "Re: preparing a PUA specification (for historical Polish text)"

    On 12 Apr 2010, at 10:33, André Szabolcs Szelp wrote:

    > All I was saying is that disunification should* have been done for all incorrect "cedilla pro comma" characters, not just S and T.

    No, it shouldn't, because there is no "L avec cedille propre" to my knowledge. WHat *should* have been done was that they ought to have been given their proper names and disunifications, regardless of the name in ISO 8859.

    Michael Everson *

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