Re: questions about CJK Strokes

From: Andrew West (
Date: Fri May 28 2010 - 10:20:43 CDT

  • Next message: Mark Davis ☕: "Re: Unicode Inc"

    On 28 May 2010 15:34, Leonardo Boiko <> wrote:
    > Of course, in my very humble opinion there
    > should be an explanation like that of n3063.pdf in the book to begin
    > with =)

    Totally agree.

    > Unicode W is used whenever there’s a curve…
    > except for SWZ?
    > But in the case of SWZ, even the Unicode example is
    > completely straight, so I don’t really get its name.

    You mean, you would expect it to be called SZZ = "shu zhe zuo"
    (vertical then bending to the left) rather than SWZ = "shu wan zuo"
    (vertical then curving to the left) ? I guess that as SZZ is already
    taken by U+31DE to mean "shu zhe zhe" (vertical then bending then
    bending again) they had to come up with some other acronym, hence the
    slightly incorrect SWZ.


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