Re: Unicode Inc

From: Asmus Freytag (
Date: Mon May 31 2010 - 15:55:57 CDT

  • Next message: Erkki I. Kolehmainen: "RE: Unicode Inc"

    On 5/31/2010 12:33 PM, Tulasi wrote:
    > Thanks Mark for posting the links!
    > My posting was based on
    > where in the bottom it said Unicode Inc.
    > Looks like the elected members from consortium
    > forms Unicode Inc.
    > Am I correct?
    Not really.

    The members of the consortium are other organizations, usually
    corporations. Each organization is represented by people (delegates).
    The delegates are not members of the consortium, but merely people
    who represent each member organization. Each organization normally
    gets one vote, even though most send two delegates.
    > In this link
    > it looks like less than 100 members in the consortium.
    > How many members currently do you have who can vote to elect?
    > Link
    > says Unicode consortium is non-profit organization.
    > Recently I have purchased Windows 7 from Microsoft Corporation
    > This product has Unicode fonts for number of language.
    > But Microsoft Corporation is for profit.
    > So it looks like Unicode Inc is for profit through its elected officials,
    > but Unicode consortium is non-profit.
    > Am I correct?

    Unicode, Inc (The Unicode Consortium) is a non-profit organization.
    That means, it must meet certain legal requirements and restrictions
    in how it is funded and operated. The same requirements do not apply
    to its membership. Specifically, both for-profit and not-for profit
    organizations may be members of the Consortium. There is nothing
    unusual about the fact that the for-profit status of the members is
    to the non-profit nature of the Consortium. That's essentially the case for
    all non-profit organizations.

    > I still do not understand:
    > What is the role of this Director exactly?
    I think you are asking very basic questions about how a non-profit
    corporation is organized.

    Rather than continuing this discussion at great detail here on a list
    that is intended for character encoding questions, you might start
    by reading up on basic background, for example in the Wikipedia:


    > Respectfully,
    > Tulasi
    > From: Mark Davis <>
    > Date: Fri, 28 May 2010 09:14:00 -0700
    > Subject: Re: Unicode Inc
    > To: Tulasi <>
    > Cc: Unicode Discussion <>
    > See The consortium is
    > constituted according to its bylaws:
    > Roughly, it is constituted by its membership:
    >, which elects the directors
    > yearly. The officers report to the directors, and are responsible for the
    > running of the consortium. The technical work is delegated to the technical
    > committees, which operate according to their procedures.
    > The background of the officers and directors can be found on
    > For a historical view,
    > see
    > Mark
    > On Thu, May 27, 2010 at 17:32, Tulasi <> wrote:
    > I am new to this group.
    > I am browsing
    > It looks like Unicode Inc is formed by
    > Google, Inc.
    > Microsoft Corporation
    > IBM Corporation
    > Apple
    > Have I understood correct?
    > Also it looks like Unicode Incorporate has one director to represent
    > whole Asia, while Asia has more languages than any continent.
    > What is the role of this Director exactly?
    > Respectfully,
    > Tulasi

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