Re: Case mappings

From: Andrey V. Lukyanov (
Date: Mon Dec 06 2010 - 11:36:09 CST

  • Next message: Karl Pentzlin: "Re: Swiss/German/Latin playing card symbols (fwd)"

    On Mon, 6 Dec 2010, QSJN 4 UKR wrote:

    > There is writed in FAQ "Take the word "anglo-American" or the Italian
    > word "vederLa". Once you uppercase, lowercase or titlecase these
    > strings, you can't recover the original just by performing the reverse
    > operation". Why so stupid?
    > All we need for the reversibility of the case conversion operations is
    > two control characters. The first (let it be {F}) indicates that
    > letter should not be changed by ToUpper, ToLower, ToTitlecase
    > functions. The second ({T}) indicates the letter for "titlecasing"
    > except the first in line one. For exsample:
    > the {T}man and the {T}planet {F}Earth
    > The {T}Man and the {T}Planet {F}Earth
    > So my question is Why we have bidi-algorithm and RLE, LRO, PDF etc.,
    > have arabian shaping and ZWJ, ZWNJ etc., have casing and have NOTHING
    > for control it, why?

    The best idea is not to change the strings at all -- use display
    formatting instead, e. g. with CSS you can write

    text-transform: uppercase
    text-transform: capitalize
    text-transform: lowercase
    text-transform: none


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