Re: Case mappings

From: QSJN 4 UKR (
Date: Mon Dec 13 2010 - 04:41:02 CST

  • Next message: sowmya satyanarayana: "Re: UNICODE version of _T(x) macro"

    >2010/12/7 Andrey V. Lukyanov <>:
    > CSS can handle all cases. With your "μm" example, you should write e. g.
    > <p style="text-transform: uppercase"> ...some text... <span
    > style="text-transform: none">μm</span> ...some text... </p>
    > With this, you can make the whole paragraph uppercase or lowercase, but "μm"
    > will always remain lowercase.
    Yes, of course. But there is something about God and Cesar. "Word",
    "WORD", "word" are different styles of the same word, absolutely right
    (after mr. Lukyanov) is to use here high-level markup (like CSS)
    rather than realy transform the text using case mappings. But mW
    (milliwatts) and MW (megawatts) are different words with different
    meanings (1000000000x). This is where I offer low-level markup
    (Unicode?), which is an integral part of the text, not style.

    About a practical usage. Just look here
    <> to see how do
    people suffer without the ability to manage case. (You can not see
    this, this page is not available completely. N.B.: in search results,
    insert link window etc. the "lowercase titles" of Wikipedia remain

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