Re: UCA and Russian letter Ё

From: Leif Halvard Silli <>
Date: Fri, 21 Dec 2012 23:20:10 +0100

Leo Broukhis, Fri, 21 Dec 2012 13:43:14 -0800:
> On Fri, Dec 21, 2012 at 1:08 PM, Leif Halvard Silli
> <> wrote:
>> In «Tolkovïj slovar’ sovremennogo russkogo jazïka» from 2005
>> («Dictionary over contempary Russian language»), has located words on Ё
>> in its a separate category, consisting of exactly one word: Ёмкость.
> This is either a mistake or a misunderstanding. [ snip ]

Not at all. THe dictionary I referred to is a dictionary on paper which
only contains new words or words with changed meaning etc. Thus, a
dictionary of "hot words for the time being". That particular
dictionary only found room for one such word on ё-. :-)

>> That, and the dictionary Leo pointed to, tell me that there is a
>> difference between categorization and collation.
> You're right. A primary difference is categorizing (e.g. when many
> people have to check in to an event, the waiting lines may be
> categorized by several primarily distinct letters of the last name), a
> secondary difference isn't. Also, speaking of dictionary vs phone book
> collation, I'd like to know how Ельцин vs Ёлкин would be sorted but I
> don't know how to find out. During Soviet times, the "White Pages"
> weren't accessible to the public.

I think that this is definitely one thing that can be affected by
electronic media. But I just checked how Thunderbird sorts words and Ё-
and Е- and it treats them as one and the same, even when the the Ё is
the first letter of the word. Which to me makes sense in such an
uncategorized medium as a list of e-mail since the user wants him- or
herself to verify that he/she has seen all the message. However, I
agree that in a dictionary etc, then it could probably make sense to
have separate categories for Ё and Е.

Question is whether categorization is a subject for collation algorithm.

leif halvard silli
Received on Fri Dec 21 2012 - 16:21:13 CST

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