Re: Rendering Raised FULL STOP between Digits

From: Stephan Stiller <>
Date: Sat, 09 Mar 2013 19:49:21 -0800

> The [...] exceptions just prove the rule
That's a semantically empty statement :-) And an exception can only be
an exception /to a particular rule/.

> Mathematical layout has all sorts of little idiosyncratic rules about
> spacing etc. that are subtly different from regular text, even though
> many characters can occur in both environments. That's why
> high-fidelity math layout needs to first identify those areas of a
> document where math layout rules apply. In TeX that's handled by using
> $ as an operator, in other environments other conventions (including
> out of band styling) are used.

\( ... \) is the modern alternative to $ ... $; this has to do with
parsing (incl syntax highlighting) and error detection.

The funny thing is that (La)TeX actually requires a good number of
manual adjustments to produce good math layout. The relevant knowledge
is hidden in books like "More Math Into LaTeX" or "Mathematics into
Type"; the former is quite thick in fact.

Received on Sat Mar 09 2013 - 21:50:34 CST

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