Re: Suggestion for new dingbats/symbols

From: Giorgio Liscio <>
Date: Fri, 24 May 2013 20:03:20 +0200

Hi Michel,

I found many icons I was looking for, yes... but the shopping cart one
is missing... the closest one is U+1F6CD (SHOPPING BAGS) which is close
enough for representing a shopping cart.


Il 24/05/2013 18:57, Michel Suignard ha scritto:
> Giorgio
> You could do us a great favor by looking at what is already in the pipeline for Unicode 7.0 and is part of amendment 1 and 2 to 10646 documented as such in the 2012 UTC registry (373 and 374). Those includes many new symbols, including most of what you are looking for. Amendment 1 is already published (thus frozen) and Amendment 2 went through its last technical ballot and will be definitively frozen in June.
> Michel
> -----Original Message-----
> From: [] On Behalf Of Giorgio Liscio
> Sent: Friday, May 24, 2013 8:07 AM
> To: unicode
> Subject: Suggestion for new dingbats/symbols
> Hello,
> I really think dingbats/icons are a great form of communication.
> For example, how about the "floppy disk" icon? Younger people don't even know what a floppy disk is, but they know, in computing, it means "save".
> And what about emoticons? An unique way to communicate, understandable by everyone.
> Nowadays, in computing, especially on the internet, icons-only fonts are really popular.
> Sadly, people use to assign these icons/glyphs in the private use area, because they think unicode is not good enough to map all of their icons.
> So, I think more should be done. Many icons are already in the unicode charts, and this is awesome, but some very common ones are missing.
> For example, what about the "shopping cart" icon? Or the "trash bin"
> icon? Or also the symbol of "chat/discussion" (two speech ballons) ?
> What do you think?
> Giorgio
Received on Fri May 24 2013 - 13:07:06 CDT

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