Re: "Oh that's what you meant!: reducing emoji misunderstanding"

From: Doug Ewell <>
Date: Thu, 17 Nov 2016 16:31:34 -0700

Peter Constable wrote:

> E.g., how does U+1F624 “😤” compare with U+1F62C “😬”? A given user may
> perceive the two differently, and for either one a given user’s
> perception may differ when evaluating the depiction used in one app/
> platform versus another. They suggest that, if users gave a
> characterization of reactions to different emoji on a given platform
> (e.g., degree of emotion, how positive or negative) then an automated
> system could translate one user’s message to display an emoji to a
> second user that more closely reflects the emotion intended by the
> first user.

Or, people could just say what they mean, using language.

Doug Ewell | Thornton, CO, US |
Received on Thu Nov 17 2016 - 17:31:59 CST

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