The UnicodeĀ® Consortium Policy on Handling of Confidential Business Data

For the purposes of this policy, the term "confidential business data" refers to private company information or other private organizational information not intended to be disclosed outside the context of the company or organization responsible for that information.

Note: To be considered confidential business data under this policy, the data must be of an inherently private or confidential nature, such as trade secrets, copies of internal business memoranda, presentations, e-mail, or other communications, nonpublic design specifications, internal client or customer data or the like. The mere presence of an e-mail signature or similar device claiming confidential status is not sufficient.

Unicode, Inc. is a multi-member consortium which uses electronic mail as one of its primary means of information interchange. It is possible that there will be occasions that some confidential data makes its way by mistake into Consortium documents prepared or distributed electronically. To deal with this situation, it is the policy of the Consortium that:

Anyone who knowingly disseminates confidential business data found in Unicode electronic mail or other documents shall be in direct violation of this policy of Unicode, Inc. Appropriate actions may be taken by the Officers of Unicode, Inc. to remediate such violations. These actions may include, but are not limited to: termination of membership in the Consortium and the banning of anyone from Unicode activities.

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