Re: Supporting the Unicode Project

From: Peter Kirk (
Date: Fri Dec 05 2003 - 05:45:25 EST

  • Next message: Michael Everson: "Re: Supporting the Unicode Project"

    On 04/12/2003 16:51, Michael Everson wrote:

    > ...
    > With all due respect, the SIL is a large organization with
    > considerable sources of funding, full-time staff, and so on. ...

    Those sources of funding are almost entirely charitable donations, and
    mostly from ordinary people rather than super-rich evangelists. The
    full-time staff almost all receive no salaries but rely on charitable
    giving for support. I was suggesting that people could support a
    particular project which is providing freely available tools for Unicode
    conversion and free fonts (see, which (as I
    understand it) is having funding difficulties at the moment perhaps
    because ordinary donors don't understand the importance of this work -
    and losing key personnel although I don't know if this is a funding issue.

    > ... The SEI, on the other hand, exists to try to support the
    > preparation of proposal for encoding new scripts and characters in the
    > standard. The SEI needs the support of readers of this list more than
    > SIL does, if anyone is thinking of making a donation.

    Michael, I don't want to take away any support from SEI. Readers can
    decide which purposes they wish to support, and may also wish to take
    into account tax deductible status.

    > ...
    > Doing the work of encoding the missing scripts isn't enough to attract
    > donations? Realizing that one is helping the Unicode Project, helping
    > to enable the encoding of the written history of our species, isn't
    > enough?

    Well, there might be people who have no interest in the general problem
    of encoding missing scripts, but who want a Gothic etc font and are
    prepared to make a generous donation to someone who can supply them with

    Peter Kirk (personal) (work)

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