RE: What is a Chinese font?

From: Murray Sargent (
Date: Mon Feb 25 2008 - 23:54:07 CST

  • Next message: "Re: [unicode] What is a Chinese font?"

    Have to admit, I don't know how the font encodes the FONTSIGNATURE, but you can read about this structure at It does include the Unicode ranges, so maybe it's from the font's OS/2 table. The font folks on the list probably know.


    -----Original Message-----
    From: [] On Behalf Of James Kass
    Sent: Monday, February 25, 2008 8:56 PM
    Subject: Re: What is a Chinese font?

    Murray Sargent wrote,

    > Be sure to include a proper FONTSIGNATURE in your font.
    > RichEdit (and maybe Word), check the FONTSIGNATURE and
    > font bind accordingly. If you don't have a proper FONTSIGNATURE,
    > it may be considered a Western font. Also Word may spot check
    > for a few Chinese characters before concluding that it's a valid
    > Chinese font.

    Another thing to check is the Unicode ranges supported field in
    the font's OS/2 table. In the font John K. sent, bit 48 was set and
    bit 59 was not set. Bit 48 is for CJK symbols and punctuation,
    which this font doesn't cover. Bit 59 is for CJK unified

    By "FONTSIGNATURE", does Murray mean "DSIG" digital signature?
    If so, the DSIG table is supposed to be optional in TTF/OTF.

    Best regards,

    James Kass

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