Zapf Dingbats block missing 14 glyphs

From: Sairus P. Patel (sppatel@Adobe.COM)
Date: Tue Jan 27 1998 - 19:21:55 EST

Unicode 2.0's Zapf Dingbats block (U+2700 - U+27BF) is missing the following
14 glyphs (yes, glyphs, not characters!) from the Zapf Dingbats font:

  ------- ----------- -------------------------------------------------
  Glyph *Encoding Informal descriptive name
  name in font
  ------- ----------- -------------------------------------------------
  a89 128 Medium left parenthesis ornament
  a90 129 Medium right parenthesis ornament
  a93 130 Medium flattened left parenthesis ornament
  a94 131 Medium flattened right parenthesis ornament
  a91 132 Medium left-pointing angle bracket ornament
  a92 133 Medium right-pointing angle bracket ornament
  a205 134 Heavy left-pointing angle quotation mark ornament
  a85 135 Heavy right-pointing angle quotation mark ornament
  a206 136 Heavy left-pointing angle bracket ornament
  a86 137 Heavy right-pointing angle bracket ornament
  a87 138 Light left tortoise shell bracket ornament
  a88 139 Light right tortoise shell bracket ornament
  a95 140 Medium left curly bracket ornament
  a96 141 Medium right curly bracket ornament
  ------- ----------- -------------------------------------------------
  * Mac encoding (any version), or Win/PS encoding (version >= 002.000)

Does anyone know why this happened?

[ Note that I'm not talking about the 27 Zapf Dingbats glyphs that are
  unified with characters in other blocks, e.g. U+2663, BLACK CLUB SUIT. ]

One possible explation is that until version 002.000 of the (Type 1) font
(which shipped mid-1997), the default PostScript encoding did not encode
these glyphs, even though they were present in the font. Thus, these glyphs
were not encoded in Windows versions of the font prior to 002.000 (for
non-StandardEncoding fonts the Windows encoding is identical to the default
PostScript encoding). However, these glyphs have always been accessible on
the Macintosh side due to the FOND's re-encoding of the default PostScript

So the Unicode Consortium, when standardizing the Zapf Dingbats block, must
have used a Windows version of the font prior to 002.000, and not the
Macintosh version, and didn't notice the unencoded glyphs.

Apple had at one point assigned these 14 glyphs to the Corporate Use
subarea. However, these glyphs should properly belong to the Zapf Dingbats
block since the intent of this block was to encode the glyphs in Zapf

I'd appreciate any comments or insights people on this list might have
before I submit an official proposal to have the Zapf Dingbats block
extended to include these glyphs.


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