Re: Mongolian (was RE: Syriac and Mongolian joining behavior

Date: Wed Jan 05 2000 - 13:39:59 EST

       KW>These are covered by the use of the Mongolian "free
       variation selectors". U+180B, U+180C, U+180D. The exact list of
       which combination of base letter plus which free variation
       selector corresponds to which form can be derived from the
       Mongolian Reference Table. Eventually we will get that worked
       up as a Unicode Technical Report or otherwise as part of the
       standard, so that Mongolian implementations will know how to
       use these variant marks.

       These FVS characters have been added to the Mongolian block to
       be used specifically for Mongolian. It's possible that, at some
       point in the future, though, there might be a valid need for
       something with the same or similar functionality for some other
       script. Was any consideration given to making them part of
       another block, such as general punctuation?


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