Re: Unicode keyboard layouts oddity in OS X 10.2.4

From: Deborah Goldsmith (
Date: Wed Feb 19 2003 - 13:50:09 EST

  • Next message: Hohberger, Clive: "RE: Ångstrøm symbol"

    There are two problems we have seen with keyboard preferences.

    1. Bringing up the force-quit dialog (command-option-escape) can
    sometimes disable keyboards in ~/Library/Keyboard Layouts. This can be
    worked around by moving them to /Library/Keyboard Layouts. Please let
    me know if this is part of the problem.

    2. Sometimes other keyboards will not remain enabled over logoff/logon,
    even if they are not in ~/Library/Keyboard Layouts.

    Please do the following in Terminal:

    defaults read "Keyboard Menu"

    The normal result is:

    The domain/default pair of (, Keyboard Menu) does
    not exist

    If you get a different response, please contact me by private e-mail.


    Deborah Goldsmith
    Manager, Fonts & Unicode
    Apple Computer, Inc.

    On Wednesday, February 19, 2003, at 05:34 AM, Kino wrote:

    > Greetings
    > I have created several Unicode keyboard layouts for OS X 10.2.x which
    > are available at
    > <>
    > Usually I have activated two of them: LatinTL and ArabicQWERTY.
    > After updating to OS X 10.2.4, Unicode keyboard layouts checked in
    > Input Menu tag of Internet Preferences do not stick anymore. I.e. with
    > each restart, they vanish from Flag menu and become unchecked in Input
    > Menu.
    > My settings in Input Menu tag of Internet Preferences have not always
    > been retained even before 10.2.4. Sometimes one of checked keyboard
    > layouts vanished or was replaced with another, e.g. my ArabicQWERTY
    > replaced with Apple's Arabic. But these glitches were not always
    > reproductible at least with 10.2.1-10.2.3.
    > Now, even common keyboard layouts such as Unicode Hex Input do not
    > seem to stick. I have not tested extensively with Apple keyboard
    > layouts though.
    > Of course, I suspected my system installation. So I clean installed OS
    > X 10.2 on another partition and created a new user. I have not tested
    > with each updater, but OS X 10.2.1 retains Unicode keyboard layouts I
    > have chosen whereas 10.2.4 does not.
    > Is this a bug? Or something is wrong with my keyboard layouts?
    > Yusuke Kinoshita
    > Yusuke Kinoshita

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