Re: font creation software for Unicode Hebrew proposal ?

From: Chris Jacobs (
Date: Sat Sep 27 2003 - 20:16:11 EDT

  • Next message: "Re: font creation software for Unicode Hebrew proposal ?"

    > But if Elaine simply wants to create a font with the desired glyphs,
    > then Chris is correct. It is not necessary to assign a Unicode code
    > point to every ligature and alternative glyph in a font.

    I thought Elaine wanted to create a font because she thought it was needed
    for a proposal.

    What I meant to say is that if you assign PUA code points to your glyphs in
    a proposal, that then, if your proposal is accepted, the PUA code points
    will not be used by the Consortium. They will assign different codepoints
    for the glyphs.

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