Re: Romanian and Cyrillic

From: Antoine Leca (
Date: Wed Apr 28 2004 - 14:45:04 EDT

  • Next message: Ernest Cline: "Re: Defined Private Use was: SSP default ignorable characters"

    On Wednesday, April 28, 2004 5:28 PM
    Peter Constable <> va escriure:

    >> From: []
    >> On Behalf Of Antoine Leca


    >> It is interessant to note that Microsoft did not endorse ISO 639 on
    >> this regard, but sees Moldavian as being a form of Romanian, and
    >> asks for use of "ro-mo" for the identifier corresponding to LangId
    >> x0818.
    > Yes, well, if you look at it carefully, you'll notice that the
    > identifier "ro-mo" is effectively "Romanian - Moldavian" (mo is the
    > ISO 639-1 ID for Moldavian; it's not the ISO 3166 ID for Moldova --
    > if you interpret this as ll-CC, it would be Romanian spoken in Macao).

    Sorry Peter, I do not buy this one. The page I have given lists all the
    idents in lowercase, so there is no way to distinguish the fine prints as
    you do.

    Furthermore, they are intended for use as RFC 1766/3066 tags, and in this
    context, at least 3066 unambiguously says that the interpretation is of the
    code of the country. As a result, reading -mo as "Moldavian" is much more
    wrong than as "Macao".

    So almost any fine reader will got it as a typo in the documentation rather
    than your readings.

    > It's painful to see inconsistent info being put out. The reality is
    > that Windows does not support 0x0818 (or 0x0819 for that matter).

    What does mean "support"?
    You probably mean that there is no strings for it in your LOCALE.NLS, or a
    similar thing.

    But I perfectly can tag some text in Word as "Romanian from Moldova" (or as
    well as Rheto-Roman, even if this code, 0x0417, seems to have disappeared
    from MS's charts for a number of years, at least for Windows... Never mind,
    I will keep it in my own chart }:->)

    And I would be very surprised if KERNEL32 refuse to load a resource which
    would happen to have this LCID.

    > I consider there to be no real difference between "Romanian" and
    > "Moldavian".

    But others may opine differently...

    It is true that Moldova does not have much money.

    But it is also true, on the same way, that Russia does.

    So, who knows...

    > As far as Windows is concerned, I'd expect Windows might
    > at some point support "Romanian (Moldova)" but I wouldn't expect
    > "Moldavian".

    If you mean, Microsoft will resists as much as they humanly could, to
    associate a new primary language identifier (like 0xe8) to Moldavian, I
    probably can understand.

    If you mean that a new language id (like 0xc18) could not be associated to
    Moldavian, I would not bet.

    If you mean you will never be forced to change the name for 0x818 from
    "Romanian (Moldova)" to "Moldavian", I certainly would not bet.

    And if you ever mean (I really do not think so) that you will never be
    forced to grok "mo" as a RFC 3066 tag, then sorry, but I feel you really
    should grok it (and for example look at updating Apple already grok it, or
    so they say.)


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