Re: Looking for transcription or transliteration standards latin- >arabic

From: Patrick Andries (
Date: Wed Jul 07 2004 - 08:45:07 CDT

  • Next message: Curtis Clark: "Re: Looking for transcription or transliteration standards latin- >arabic"

    Peter Kirk a écrit :

    > On 07/07/2004 07:08, Raymond Mercier wrote:
    > This is a possible derivation. If this is Gerd's source, he failed to
    > make the point that "istimboli" was not a Greek name of the city but a
    > colloquial pronunciation of a phrase. And the source of that may be
    > the following old German text, from
    >> Constantinopel hayssen die Chrichen Istimboli und die Thürcken
    >> hayssends Stambol;
    > And according to (in Turkish) this
    > information comes the from 14th-15th century German traveller Johan
    > Schildtberger. But I have my suspicions about this information. The
    > Greeks had no problem with initial consonant clusters but the Turks
    > did, so it is much more likely that the Turks added the initial I to a
    > Greek word starting with ST, just as Spanish and French add initial E
    > before such clusters.

    French (for the last 5 centuries) no longer adds an initial E in front
    of ST (see : stop, start, sport (*), stage, stature, station, etc.),
    historically (in Old French) this was true (estable [stable], estamper
    [to stamp], estat [state, station], esterlin [sterling], estrange
    [stange, stranger]). Old French is before the fall of Constatinople and
    the end of the Hundred Year war (both in 1453 as all French-speaking
    schoolchildren learn).

    Spanish still does (or a least did recently) see recent loanwords :
    esquí (ski) or esprint (sprint).

    P. A.

    (*) English word derived from an Old French word "desport / deport "
    (entertainment), see deporte in Spanish and desporto/desporte in
    Portuguese (but esporte in Brazil).

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