Re: Looking for transcription or transliteration standards latin- >arabic

From: Curtis Clark (
Date: Wed Jul 07 2004 - 09:28:08 CDT

  • Next message: Mike Ayers: "RE: Looking for transcription or transliteration standards latin- >arabic"

    >> An interesting historical case is Istanbul, whose name comes from
    >> the Greek phrase "eis ten poli" ("to the city" -- first "e" is epsilon,
    >> and second "e" is eta). That phrase tended to be pronounced "istimboli"
    >> and with dissimilation "istamboli". So when the Turks changed the name
    >> from Constantinople to Istanbul, they simply changed from a name with
    >> an obvious Greek derivation to one with a nonobvious Greek derivation.

    This explanation seems rather Byzantine to me.

    Curtis Clark        
    Web Coordinator, Cal Poly Pomona                 +1 909 979 6371
    Professor, Biological Sciences                   +1 909 869 4062

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