Re: Public Review Issues Update

From: Theo Veenker (
Date: Thu Oct 21 2004 - 02:41:39 CST

  • Next message: Mark Davis: "Re: Public Review Issues Update"

    Mark Davis wrote:
    > All comments are reviewed at the next UTC meeting. Due to the volume, we
    > don't reply to each and every one what the disposition was. If actions were
    > taken, they are recorded in the minutes of the meetings.

    But what if an action was not taken. Do I have to keep reporting a particular
    problem until it's gone? Also, there is no way of telling which problems
    already have been reported a dozen times before. Assuming the comments
    reported are archived, why can't this archive be made accessible to the
    unicode list?



    I know the Unicode Consortium is a non-profit organization and you are all
    very very busy, and I look up to the people behind it. But I often find
    it hard to see the part where the Unicode Consortium is actually promoting
    use of the Unicode Standard. Sometimes it almost seems to discourage
    developers to use the Standard. Take the Book for instance, one is not
    allowed to print the online version, so I bought the book to find out
    that 2 of its 3 kilograms is just tables of glyphs which could have been
    on a CD. So you pay $75 to get value for $25.

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