Re: String name and Character Name

From: Antoine Leca (
Date: Wed Apr 13 2005 - 02:51:22 CST

  • Next message: Adam Twardoch: "Re: String name and Character Name"

    David Starner wrote:
    > On Apr 12, 2005 2:58 PM, Patrick Andries wrote:
    >> The proper reference could often use a localized name. No need to
    >> show users an English long winded name (with potentially a spelling

    Patrick did a mistake above, probably misguided by the usual language used
    on this list to make us able to speak together. It used "English", where of
    course he meant "Standardese", this particular dialect where words should
    have unambiguous meanings, etc., dialect which is used when it comes to give
    a long name to a character, as everything in the body of a standard.

    >> The proper reference could often use a localized name. No need to
    >> show users an English long winded name (with potentially a spelling
    >> mistake and missing diacritics when compared to the local tradition
    >> spelling), one could very well show Chinese, Spanish, German or
    >> French names of the characters.

    > And what about the correct English names?

    Well, consider that _this time_ English would not experience any advantage
    over the other languages in the world, and that English developpers should
    ALSO do their little bit of work to have their proper localization.

    Even if it is WIDELY more work than usual (sorry it hits you guys), please

    -- that the biggest part of the work is already done, since Standardese is
    close (but not the same as) U.S. English

    -- that English is among the widest spocken languages in the world, so you
    guys should not have too much problem to find workload to have the job done
    (something quite a bit more difficult to say Maltese.)

    -- that this bring a formidable opportunity to your British, Canadian _and_
    Australian cousins to have the proper orthographies shown ;-).

    Sorry if you consider me a bit blunt on this issue, but we are on the
    Unicode mailing list, which is supposed to be concerned with i18n/l10n.
    And sometimes it happens to be two ways, not always one way.

    > There are a lot of English speaking users out there who would like
    > correct names, too.

    The bad fact is that this set of "English speaking users" are likely to be
    much more wide than any other group, or perhaps second only to the Chinese
    reading users (not even sure): many people here, including Patrick (!),
    consider the long names, or perhaps the long name completed with the
    annotations, as published by Unicode or ISO, to be the English names of the
    This is so because English speaking (or more exactly English reading) is
    becoming a given (requisite, depending from where you're looking) for many
    computing related tasks. The very idea of i18n could have been to avoid
    this. We could see here how well it succeeds, in this forum.


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