RE: Arabic letters separated by markup

From: Mete Kural (
Date: Thu Jun 09 2005 - 06:24:11 CDT

  • Next message: Timothy Partridge: "Re: Transliterating ancient scripts [was: ASCII and Unicode lifespan]"

    >*My* opinion, supported by the silence of the Unicode Standard on the
    >topic, is that it is up to the higher-level protocol -- the HTML spec
    >to specify what the impact of various markup elements may have on
    >various text processes over the character content of a document. For
    >instance I would expect the sequences in <TD>abc</TD><TD>def</TD> to be
    >treated as distinct document elements, implying no cursive connection
    >between them (among other things), but I would expect the sequences
    ><span>abc</span><span>def</span> to be considered a single text element
    >for rendering purposes (barring further stylesheet effects -- a
    >stylesheet might, of course, transform spans into distinct non-inline
    >structural elements).

    I agree with you here Peter. There should be a clear definition of the impact of various markup elements on the Unicode text and this needs to be defined by the respective markup language authority. The most significant such authority in regards to standards such as HTML, XHTML, and SVG is obviously W3C. So I think there needs to be more specifications coming out of W3C in order to standardize the way HTML, XHTML, and SVG markup impacts Unicode text properties.

    I also agree with you that some markup elements should interrupt text flow such as <TD> and others such as <SPAN> should not interrupt text flow, hence not force Arabic letters to seperate from each other.



    Mete Kural
    Touchtone Corporation

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