RE: Western musical symbols font

From: Alan Wood (alan.wood@JUSTIS.COM)
Date: Mon Sep 17 2007 - 07:58:54 CDT

  • Next message: Doug Ewell: "Re: Western musical symbols font"


    While we have Ben Laenen and Hans Åberg available, could I ask a question
    about MUSICAL SYMBOL DEGREE SLASH (119209 or 1D1A9)?

    In the official chart, this is not shown as a combining character:

    However, in my test page:
    I can only make this character appear in combination with another character.

    Please can you tell us if this is supposed to be a combining character?

    Using Ben Laenen's Euterpe font, I can now see all of the Musical Symbols
    characters in Firefox 2/Vista.

    Thank you

    Alan Wood (Unicode, special characters, pesticide names)
    > -----Original Message-----
    > From: Hans Aberg [] 
    > Sent: 17 September 2007 12:56
    > To: Richard Ishida
    > Cc: 'Unicode Mailing List'
    > Subject: Re: Western musical symbols font
    > On 17 Sep 2007, at 11:23, Richard Ishida wrote:
    > > The decodeunicode folks seem to have found/made a font from which to
    > > generate their images at 
    > > musical_symbols
    > The design of U+1D19D MUSICAL SYMBOL ORNAMENT STROKE-3, the 
    > design is  
    > wrong in this to:
    > It is designed as a Pralltriller (inverted mordent), instead having  
    > one peak and one valley. The font by Ben Laenen does it right. See:
    >    Hans Åberg

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