Re: Some forms of Pashto letters are missing

From: Zabeeh Khan (
Date: Sat Aug 30 2008 - 08:59:35 CDT

  • Next message: Behnam: "Re: Some forms of Pashto letters are missing"

    > Hi, if you mean Pashto letters like in attached picture, they are already
    > encoded. All you need is the right font for having them and right keyboard
    > to access them.

    No, I am not talking about that. They are there, but some of their forms are
    not there. For example, the Pashto letter TTeh (and all other letters
    specific to Pashto) doesn't have the initial, medial and final forms but all
    these forms are available for other Arabic characters. However, when writing
    Pashto the form is automatically changed to the correct one.

    As here: ټاټوبی، لټول، لوټ، څاڅکی، څڅېدل

    > Mac has a Pashto keyboard layout. I don't know about PC.

    PC also has it. I have Pashto layout in Windows XP (from Microsoft) and
    Ubuntu 8.04

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