Re: About the Kikaku script for Mende, and an existing font for it

From: Philippe Verdy (
Date: Tue Mar 16 2004 - 11:45:49 EST

  • Next message: Peter Kirk: "Re: Irish dotless I"

    Someone noted this about my recently posted PDFs on
    for Mende:

    > The glyphs don't display, all the squares are empty except for
    > the code points. Is this because of Plane Fourteen, or do I need
    > to install the font first?
    > Even after installing the font, the squares are still empty...

    Well, I changed some PDF generation options but I wonder if this has an impact.
    Is the "JG Mende" font installetion required to see the PDF and not square

    Are there problelms with the PDF format which seems to work on another machine I
    have with Windows XP and Acrobat 6, but without the font installed?

    Finally, I got the following exchange with Jason Glavy, the author of that font:

    JG> > You did not answer about the tone marks used in the Latin transcription of
    JG> > Mende. Are they used also for the Kikaku transcription?
    JG> Unlike the Latin, there is no graphical tone representation in the
    JG> Kikaku script. Moreover, I am not aware of any numbers or punctuation
    JG> for this script.

    So it seems that tone marks used in the latin transcription of Mendé are not
    marked in the Kikaku script. It would be interesting to have some book prints
    available to see if there are punctuation signs or symbols to mark word
    separation, as well as digits or numbers (some syllables in the Kikaku script
    closely ressemble to the European digits, and I wonder if an alternate notation
    was used to mark numbers, or dates, or simply commercial quantities for market
    exchange and accounting or for marriage dotations, or for customary judiciary
    decisions, in countries where most of negocations were performed orally).

    Is the space convention used to mark word separation? Are there additional
    ligating hyphens?

    Is the script really left-to-right since it was created in the 20's? If not,
    this may explain why we almost always find glyph variants of nearly every
    letter, with a significant number of syllabic glyphs renversed 90° or mirrored.

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