
February 9, 2007



Agenda for INCITS/L2 meeting #207

Mountain View, February 6 – 9, 2007


Meeting location: Mountain View, hosted by Unicode. Logistics at http://www.unicode.org/timesens/logistics-utc110.html

1. Opening of L2 meeting - remarks from the chair

2. Joint meeting with UTC

3. Administrative Agenda

3.1. Attendance and membership

Membership: Adobe, Apple, HP, IBM, Microsoft, Sun, Sybase, Unicode, Yahoo! (9)

Members in jeopardy: (0)

3.2 Approval of agenda [L2/07-017]

3.3 Approval of meeting minutes from L2 #206 [L2/06-327]

3.4 Action items follow-up

See L2/SD-2 for the current action items.

3.5 Registration of new documents and assignment to the agenda

See L2/SD-3 for the current document register.

3.6 Upcoming meetings

UTC 111/L2 208 - May 15 – 18, 2007, Mountain View, host Google

UTC 112/L2 209 - August 7 – 10, 2007, Redmond, host Microsoft

UTC 113/L2 210 - October 17 – 19, 2007, San José, host IUC/Adobe

UTC 114/L2 211 - February 5 – 8, 2008, Cupertino, host Apple

4. Reports and liaisons

4.1 SC2

4.2 WG2

Call for Volunteers - Convener, JTC 1/SC 2/WG 2 - Universal Coded Character Set (L2/07-072).

4.3 IRG

4.4 CT22

5. Ballots

5.1 Letter ballot reports

Doc# Subject Source INCITS
Due Date
L2/07-025 ISO 4217 – Financial Services – Codes for the representation of currencies and funds; Amendment 1 January 29, 2007 2/3
Resolved 8:0:0:1 to reply to X9:

Thank you very much for taking into account L2’s comments in the revision of ISO 4217. We believe that the resulting changes represent a significant improvement and accommodate adequately the most important comments.

In response to the yellow sticky note on page 5 of the Amendment, about Madagascar: It should be spelled “Malagasy ariary”a (133,000 Google hits), not “Malagascy ariary” (65 Google hits).

For: Adobe, Apple, HP, IBM, Microsoft, Sun, Sybase, Unicode.
Against: none
Abstain: none
No vote: Yahoo!

5.2 New ballots to vote

Doc# Subject Source INCITS
Due Date
L2/06-406: ballot, text, Am3names.txt, JIExt.txt ISO/IEC 10646:2003/FPDAM 3, Information Technology – Universal Multiple-Octet Coded Character Set (UCS) – Amendment 3: Lepcha, Ol Chiki, Suarashtra, Vai, and other characters SC2 N3909 March 19, 2007 2/3
L2/06-407: ballot, text, Am4names.txt, CJKU_SR.txt ISO/IEC 10646:2003/PDAM 4, Information Technology – Universal Multiple-Octet Coded Character Set (UCS) – Amendment 4: Lanna, Cham, Game Tiles, CJK Unified Ideographs Extension C, and other characters SC2 N3914 February 27, 2007 2/3
L2/06-405 Proposed Modification to the SC 2 Programme of Work JTC1 N8444 February 01, 2006 2/3

6. International meetings

6.1 Future meetings

6.1 Delegates to WG2 #50

WG2 meeting #50 will be held in Frankfurt, Germany, on April 23-27, 2007. Logistics and the registration form are available as L2/06-400.

6.2 Delegates to IRG #28

IRG meeting #28 wil be held in Xi'an, China, on June 4-8, 2007. Logistics and registration form are available as L2/06-?.

7. Voting on joint UTC/L2 meeting recommendations [L2/07-016]

8. Other

Identity Theft Prevention and Identity Management Standards Panel (IDSP) survey (L2/07-074).

9. Adjournment