Re: Country names in native script

From: Christoph Päper (
Date: Mon Jan 20 2003 - 23:37:29 EST

  • Next message: Radovan Garabik: "Re: Country names in native script"

    Frank da Cruz:
    > and added some Greek and Cyrillic to Appendix II (the table of country
    > names). Anybody who would like to send me more names in native script,
    > be happy to add them (with credit, of course). Corrections welcome too.

    "Fuerstentum Liechtenstein" may be also written as "Fürstentum
    Liechtenstein", of course. I'm not sure, but I think Luxembourg should be

    > Also, back on the "I can eat glass" page I started a new section near the
    > bottom for "quick brown fox..." phrases for different languages, that show
    > all the characters (or all the "special" characters) of a language.

    Thanks to Windows, "Franz jagt im komplett verwahrlosten Taxi quer durch
    Bayern" is most common in Germany, although it excludes umlauts and eszett.

    > By the way, the German phrase is mine. I seem to have discovered a German
    > word (the name of a town, Ã"echtringen) that has an acute accent. It's
    > listed in the Postleitzahlenbuch:

    Oechtringen seems to be about 20 km from my home village--yet I can't
    remember having heard of it (it seems to be pretty small), but it definitely
    does *not* have an O-acute, because I'd remember /that/. (We do have a small
    village called "Klein London" nearby.)
    It's in eastern Lower Saxony, far away from France. In case someone guessed,
    it could be Slavonic: that's more east (Wendland) and there're no Ó-villages


    Please warn the next time before posting a link to a 2.8 MB JPEG.

    > My initial theory is that maybe it's a contraction for Ober-Echtringen?

    No, such names don't exist in northern Germany.

    Christoph Päper

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